How it works:
You create questions and then have option to create predetermined answer selections for those questions. Answers can be yes/no, a number, or any other answers which you define.
The app randomly sends alerts that prompt you to check-in. You then answer the questions which you previously created.
Depending on the type of answer, the app will make a report (either a line graph or a proportion) for each question individually.
The bad:
You cant set the times for the alerts or how many times a question gets asked. You also cant compare data. For example, if I wanted to see the data for two questions, side by side, I cant. The user interface is also terrible. Its clean but seriously lacks utility. I think the developer tried too hard to make it look trendy and forgot about function.
I would not recommend this app. It is more trouble than it is useful. The frustration that comes from trying to make this app work truly outweighs the positives.
youbreakyoubuy about Reporter App